诊断模块是用于将服务中的信息可视化出来,便于问题排查,确认服务状态。Kitex 定义了接口用来注册诊断 func,扩展者可实现该接口来呈现诊断信息。呈现的方式如:输出日志、debug 端口查询展示。Kitex 开源版本暂未提供默认扩展,但默认注册了部分可用于诊断的信息,扩展者也可以注册更多的信息用于问题的排查。
// ProbeName is the name of probe.
type ProbeName string
// ProbeFunc is used to get probe data, it is usually a data dump func.
type ProbeFunc func() interface{}
// Service is the interface for debug service.
type Service interface {
// RegisterProbeFunc is used to register ProbeFunc with probe name
// ProbeFunc is usually a dump func that to dump info to do problem diagnosis,
// eg: CBSuite.Dump(), s.RegisterProbeFunc(CircuitInfoKey, cbs.Dump)
RegisterProbeFunc(ProbeName, ProbeFunc)
// new diagnosisi service
var ds diagnosis.service = NewYourService()
// eg: register dump func to get discovery instances.
ds.RegisterProbeFunc("instances", dr.Dump)
// eg: wrap the config data as probe func, register func to get config info.
ds.RegisterProbeFunc("config_info", diagnosis.WrapAsProbeFunc(config))
Kitex 默认注册的诊断信息
Kitex 默认注册了部分诊断信息用于问题排查,具体如下:
const (
// Common
ChangeEventsKey ProbeName = "events"
ServiceInfoKey ProbeName = "service_info"
OptionsKey ProbeName = "options"
// Client
DestServiceKey ProbeName = "dest_service"
ConnPoolKey ProbeName = "conn_pool"
RetryPolicyKey ProbeName = "retry_policy"
集成到 Kitex
通过 option 指定自己的诊断服务,option: WithDiagnosisService
// server side
svr := xxxservice.NewServer(handler, server.WithDiagnosisService(yourDiagnosisService))
// client side
cli, err := xxxservice.NewClient(targetService, client.WithDiagnosisService(yourDiagnosisService))
March 28, 2025
: docs: eino graph update (#1293) (aea58cb)