Visit Directly
Kitex can opt for direct access without service discovery when the downstream address is clear.
Specify RPC Host and Port
You can use callopt.WithHostPort
to specify host and port, supports two parameters:
- Normal IP address, in the form of
, supportIPv6
- Sock file address, communicating with UDS (Unix Domain Socket)
import ""
resp, err := cli.Echo(context.Background(), req, callopt.WithHostPort(""))
if err != nil {
Specify RPC URL
You can use callopt.WithURL
to specify a URL, which will be resolved by default DNS resolver to get host and port. It’s functionally equal to callopt.WithHostPort
import ""
url := callopt.WithURL("")
resp, err := cli.Echo(context.Background(), req, url)
if err != nil {
Customized DNS resolver
You can also use your own DNS resolver
resolver interface(pkg/http):
type Resolver interface {
Resolve(string) (string, error)
The only parameter is URL,return value should be “host:port”.
You can use client.WithHTTPResolver
to specify DNS resolver.
import ""
dr := client.WithHTTPResolver(myResolver)
cli, err := echo.NewClient("echo", dr)
if err != nil {
Last modified
February 13, 2025
: docs: update eino doc (#1239) (b2524e2)