Serialize Data Ondemands
What is thrift FieldMask?
FieldMask is inspired by Protobuf and used to indicate the data that users care about, and filter out useless data, during a RPC call, in order to reduce network package size and accelerate serializing/deserializing process. This technology has been widely used among Protobuf services.
How to construct a FieldMask?
To construct a fieldmask, you need two things:
- Thrift Path for describing the data you want
- Type Descriptor for validating the thrift path you pass is compatible with thrift message definition (IDL)
Thrift Path
What is the thrift path?
A path string represents an arbitrary endpoint of a thrift object. It is used for locating data from thrift root message, and defined from-top-to-bottom. For example, a thrift message defined as below:
struct Example {
1: string Foo,
2: i64 Bar3: Example Self
A thrift path $.Foo
represents the string value of Example.Foo, and $.Self.Bar
represents the secondary layer i64 value of Example.Self.Bar Since thrift has four nesting types (LIST/SET/MAP/STRUCT), thrift paths should also support locating elements in all these types’ objects, not only STRUCT.
Here are basic hypothesis:
is the field name of a field in a struct, it MUST ONLY contain ‘[a-zA-Z]’ alphabet letters, integer numbers and char ‘_’.index
is the index of an element in a list or set, it MUST ONLY contain integer numbers.key
is the string-typed key of an element in a map. It can contain any letters, but it MUST be a quoted
is the integer-typed key of an element in a map, it MUST ONLY contain integer numbers.- except
, ThriftPath shouldn’t contains any blank chars (\n\r\b\t)
Here is detailed syntax:
ThriftPath | Description |
$ | the root object,every path must start with it. |
.fieldname | get the child field of a struct corepsonding to fieldname. For example, $.FieldA.ChildrenB |
[index,index…] | get any number of elements in an List/Set corepsonding to indices. Indices must be integer.For example: $.FieldList[1,3,4] .Notice: a index beyond actual list size can written but is useless. |
{“key”,“key”…} | get any number of values corepsonding to key in a string-typed-key map. For example: $.StrMap{“abcd”,“1234”} |
{id,id…} | get the child field with specific id in a integer-typed-key map. For example, $.IntMap{1,2} |
- | get ALL fields/elements, that is: $.StrMap{}.FieldX means gets all the elements’ FieldX in a map Root.StrMap; $.List[].FieldX means get all the elements’ FieldX in a list Root.List.
Agreement Of Implementation
A empty mask means “PASS ALL” (all fields are “PASS”)
For map of neither-string-nor-integer typed key, only ‘*’ token is allowed as keys
Required fields CAN be not in mask (“Filtered”) while they will still be written as current values.
- Tips: If you want the required field not in the mask to be written as a zero value, you can enable the option -
thrift field_mask_zero_required
and regenerate the code. It should be noted that the STRUCT type also writes a zero value (only writes a FieldStop (0)) - this means that if the STRUCT contains a required field, it may cause the other party to report an error
- Tips: If you want the required field not in the mask to be written as a zero value, you can enable the option -
FieldMask settings must start from the root object.
- Tips: If you want to set FieldMask from a non-root object and make it effective, you need to add -
thrift field_mask_halfway
options and regenerate the code . However, there is a latent risk: if different parent objects reference the same child object, and these two parent objects set different fieldmasks, only one parent object’s fieldmask relative to this child object will be effective.
- Tips: If you want to set FieldMask from a non-root object and make it effective, you need to add -
Visibility(Black-list or White-list)
By default, a field in mask means “PASS” (will be serialized/deserialized), and the other fields not in mask means “REJECT” (won’t be serialized/deserialized) – which is so-called “White List”
However, we allow user to use fieldmask as a “Black List”, as long as enable option Options.BlackList
. Under such mode, a field in the mask means “REJECT”, and the other fields means “PASS”. See main_test.go for detailed usage
Type Descriptor
Type descriptor is the runtime representation of a message definition, in aligned with Protobuf Descriptor. To get a type descriptor, you must enable thrift reflection feature first, which was introduced in thriftgo v0.3.0. You can generate related codes for this feature using option with_reflection
How to use FieldMask?
See main_test.go for details.
- First, you must generates codes for this feature using two options
(ex: fieldmask.thrift)
$ kitex -thrift with_field_mask -thrift with_reflection ${your_idl}
- Create a fieldmask in the initializing phase of your application (recommended), or just in the bizhandler before you return a response
import (
nbase ""
var fieldmaskCache sync.Mapfunc
// initialize request and response fieldmasks and cache them
func init() {
// construct a fieldmask with TypeDescriptor and thrift paths
respMask, err := fieldmask.NewFieldMask((*fieldmask0.BizResponse)(nil).GetTypeDescriptor(),
if err != nil {
fmCache.Store("BizResponse", respMask)
reqMask, err := fieldmask.NewFieldMask((*fieldmask0.BizRequest)(nil).GetTypeDescriptor(),
"$.B", "$.RespMask")
if err != nil {
fmCache.Store("BizRequest", reqMask)
- Now you can set fieldmask with generated API
on your request or response object. Then the kitex itself will notice the fieldmask and using it during request/response’s serialization, in either client-side or server-side.
- server-side
func (s *BizServiceImpl) BizMethod1(ctx context.Context, req *biz.BizRequest) (resp *biz.BizResponse, err error) {
resp := biz.NewBizResponse() // resp = biz.NewBizResponse
resp.A = "A"
resp.B = "B"
// try set resp's fieldmask
respMask, ok := fmCache.Load("BizResponse")
if ok {
return resp, nil
- client-side
req := fieldmask0.NewBizRequest()
req.A = "A"
req.B = "B"
// try set request's fieldmask
reqMask, ok := fmCache.Load("BizRequest")
if ok {
resp, err := cli.BizMethod1(context.Background(), req)
- Once you set fieldmask for request/response, the other side will only receive the real values of non-required fields that the fieldmask sets, or zero values of required fields that fieldmask doesn’t mask
- client-side
if resp.A == "" { // resp.A in mask
if resp.B != "" { // resp.B not in mask
- Server-side
if req.A != "" { // req.A not in mask
return nil, errors.New("request must mask BizRequest.A!")
if req.B == "" { // req.B in mask
return nil, errors.New("request must not mask BizRequest.B!")
How to pass FieldMask between programs?
Generally, you can add one binary field to your request definition to carry a fieldmask, and explicitly serialize/deserialize the fieldmask you are using into/from this field. We provide two encapsulated API for serialization/deserialization:
- thriftgo/fieldmask.Marshal()/Unmarshal(): Package functions, serialize/deserialize fieldmask into/from binary bytes. We recommend you to use this API rather than the last one, because it is much faster due to using cache – Unless your application is lack of memory.
- FieldMask.MarshalJSON()/UnmarshalJSON(): Object methods, serialize/deserialize fieldmask into/from JSON bytes (not recommended)
For example, we can pass the response’s fieldmask as a binary-typed field of request like:
- client-side
type BizRequest struct {
A string `thrift:"A,1" frugal:"1,default,string" json:"A"`
B string `thrift:"B,2,required" frugal:"2,required,string" json:"B"`
RespMask []byte `thrift:"RespMask,3,optional" frugal:"3,optional,binary" json:"RespMask,omitempty"`
func TestClient() {
req := fieldmask0.NewBizRequest()
req.A = "A"
req.B = "B"
// try get response's fieldmask
respMask, ok := fmCache.Load("BizResponse")
if ok {
// serialize the respMask
fm, err := fieldmask.Marshal(respMask.(*fieldmask.FieldMask))
if err != nil {
// let request carry fm
req.RespMask = fm
resp, err := cli.BizMethod1(context.Background(), req)
- Server-side
// BizMethod1 implements the BizServiceImpl interface.
func (s *BizServiceImpl) BizMethod1(ctx context.Context, req *fieldmask0.BizRequest) (resp *fieldmask0.BizResponse, err error) {
resp = fieldmask0.NewBizResponse()
resp.A = "A"
resp.B = "B"
// check if request carries a fieldmask
if req.RespMask != nil {
println("got fm", string(req.RespMask))
fm, err := fieldmask.Unmarshal(req.RespMask)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// set fieldmask for response
Mainly depends on the ratio of pruned data. See baseline_test.go
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz
BenchmarkFastWriteSimple/full-16 47.70 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastWriteSimple/half-16 46.61 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastReadSimple/full-16 115.1 ns/op 80 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastReadSimple/half-16 103.6 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastWriteNesting/full-16 4505 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastWriteNesting/half-16 2121 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastReadNesting/full-16 13864 ns/op 11874 B/op 173 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastReadNesting/half-16 7938 ns/op 5273 B/op 77 allocs/op
- Simple: one-layer-fields struct, data size 114B
- Nesting: two-layer-fields struct, data size 6455B
- FastWrite: serialization test
- FastRead: deserialization test
- full: generate with_fieldmask API, but not use fieldmask
- half: generate with_fieldmask API and use fieldmask to mask half of the data
Getting the code (WIP)
This feature is under development now. If you want to try, you can get the branch codes and install corresponding binary tool.
- Cmd tool : >= v0.3.12
go install
- lib
go get
Kitex : >= v0.10.0
- Cmd tool
go install
- lib
go get