ChatModel - Ollama

Basic Introduction

The Ollama model is an implementation of the ChatModel interface, designed for interacting with the Ollama local LLM service. Ollama is an open-source local LLM runtime framework that supports various open-source models (such as Llama, Mistral, etc.), providing simple API interfaces and comprehensive performance monitoring. This component implements the [Eino: ChatModel Usage Instructions](Eino: ChatModel guide)


Component Initialization

The Ollama model is initialized through the NewChatModel function. The main configuration parameters are as follows:

import (

model, err := ollama.NewChatModel(ctx, &ollama.ChatModelConfig{
    // Basic Configuration
    BaseURL: "http://localhost:11434", // Ollama service address
    Timeout: 30 * time.Second,         // Request timeout

    // Model Configuration
    Model:     "llama2",                // Model name
    Format:    json.RawMessage("json"), // Output format (optional)
    KeepAlive: &keepAlive,              // Keep-alive time

    // Model Parameters
    Options: &api.Options{
       Runner: api.Runner{
          NumCtx:    4096, // Context window size
          NumGPU:    1,    // Number of GPUs
          NumThread: 4,    // Number of CPU threads
       Temperature:   0.7,        // Temperature
       TopP:          0.9,        // Top-P sampling
       TopK:          40,         // Top-K sampling
       Seed:          42,         // Random seed
       NumPredict:    100,        // Maximum generation length
       Stop:          []string{}, // Stop words
       RepeatPenalty: 1.1,        // Repeat penalty

Generating Conversations

Conversation generation supports both normal mode and streaming mode:

// Normal mode
response, err := model.Generate(ctx, messages)
// Streaming mode
stream, err := model.Stream(ctx, messages)

Example of message formats:

import ""

messages := []*schema.Message{
    // System message
    schema.SystemMessage("You are an assistant"),
    // User message

Tool Invocation

Supports binding tools:

Note: Only models that support function call can use this capability

import ""

// Define tools
tools := []*schema.ToolInfo{
        Name: "search",
        Desc: "Search information",
        ParamsOneOf: schema.NewParamsOneOfByParams(map[string]*schema.ParameterInfo{
            "query": {
                Type:     schema.String,
                Desc:     "Search keyword",
                Required: true,
// Bind tools
err := model.BindTools(tools)

Complete Usage Example

Basic Conversation

package main

import (


func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()

    // Initialize model
    model, err := ollama.NewChatModel(ctx, &ollama.ChatModelConfig{
       BaseURL: "http://localhost:11434",
       Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
       Model:   "llama2",
       Options: &api.Options{
          Temperature: 0.7,
          NumPredict:  100,
    if err != nil {

    // Prepare messages
    messages := []*schema.Message{
       schema.SystemMessage("You are an assistant"),
       schema.UserMessage("Introduce Ollama"),

    // Generate response
    response, err := model.Generate(ctx, messages)
    if err != nil {

    // Handle response

Streaming Conversation

package main

import (

func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()
    // Initialize model
    model, err := ollama.NewChatModel(ctx, &ollama.ChatModelConfig{
        BaseURL:  "http://localhost:11434",
        Timeout:  30 * time.Second,
        Model:    "llama2",
    if err != nil {
    // Prepare messages
    messages := []*schema.Message{
        schema.SystemMessage("You are an assistant"),
        schema.UserMessage("Tell a joke"),
    // Get streaming response
    stream, err := model.Stream(ctx, messages)
    if err != nil {
    defer stream.Close() // Remember to close the reader
    // Handle streaming content
    for {
        chunk, err := stream.Recv()
        if err != nil {

Last modified March 28, 2025 : docs: eino graph update (#1293) (aea58cb)