Eino: Indexer guide
Basic Introduction
The Indexer component is used for storing and indexing documents. Its primary function is to store documents and their vector representations into a backend storage system and provide efficient retrieval capabilities. This component plays a significant role in the following scenarios:
- Building a vector database for semantic association search
Component Definition
Interface Definition
Code Location: eino/components/indexer/interface.go
type Indexer interface {
Store(ctx context.Context, docs []*schema.Document, opts ...Option) (ids []string, err error)
Store Method
- Function: Store documents and build an index
- Parameters:
- ctx: Context object used to pass request-level information and the Callback Manager
- docs: List of documents to be stored
- opts: Storage options used to configure storage behavior
- Returns:
- ids: List of successfully stored document IDs
- error: Error information during the storage process
Common Options
The Indexer component uses IndexerOption to define optional parameters. Indexer defines the following common options. Additionally, each specific implementation can define its specific options, wrapped as a unified IndexerOption type through the WrapIndexerImplSpecificOptFn function.
type Options struct {
// SubIndexes is the list of sub-indexes to be created
SubIndexes []string
// Embedding is the component used to generate document vectors
Embedding embedding.Embedder
Options can be set in the following ways:
// Set sub-indexes
WithSubIndexes(subIndexes []string) Option
// Set vector generation component
WithEmbedding(emb embedding.Embedder) Option
Standalone Use
import (
collectionName := "eino_test"
* In the following example, a dataset named eino_test is prebuilt with the field configuration as:
* Field Name Field Type Vector Dimension
* ID string
* vector vector 1024
* sparse_vector sparse_vector
* content string
* extra_field_1 string
* When using the component, note:
* 1. The field names and types for ID / vector / sparse_vector / content should be consistent with the above configuration
* 2. The vector dimension must match the vector dimension output by the model corresponding to ModelName
* 3. Some models do not output sparse vectors. In this case, UseSparse needs to be set to false, and the collection can omit the sparse_vector field
cfg := &volc_vikingdb.IndexerConfig{
// https://api-vikingdb.volces.com (North China)
// https://api-vikingdb.mlp.cn-shanghai.volces.com (East China)
// https://api-vikingdb.mlp.ap-mya.byteplus.com (Overseas-Johor)
Host: "api-vikingdb.volces.com",
Region: "cn-beijing",
AK: ak,
SK: sk,
Scheme: "https",
ConnectionTimeout: 0,
Collection: collectionName,
EmbeddingConfig: volc_vikingdb.EmbeddingConfig{
UseBuiltin: true,
ModelName: "bge-m3",
UseSparse: true,
AddBatchSize: 10,
volcIndexer, _ := volc_vikingdb.NewIndexer(ctx, cfg)
doc := &schema.Document{
ID: "mock_id_1",
Content: "A ReAct prompt consists of few-shot task-solving trajectories, with human-written text reasoning traces and actions, as well as environment observations in response to actions",
volc_vikingdb.SetExtraDataFields(doc, map[string]interface{}{"extra_field_1": "mock_ext_abc"})
volc_vikingdb.SetExtraDataTTL(doc, 1000)
docs := []*schema.Document{doc}
resp, _ := volcIndexer.Store(ctx, docs)
fmt.Printf("vikingDB store success, docs=%v, resp ids=%v\n", docs, resp)
Use in Orchestration
// Use in Chain
chain := compose.NewChain[[]*schema.Document, []string]()
// Use in Graph
graph := compose.NewGraph[[]*schema.Document, []string]()
graph.AddIndexerNode("indexer_node", indexer)
Option and Callback Usage
Option Usage Example
// Using options (when used individually)
ids, err := indexer.Store(ctx, docs,
// Set subindex
indexer.WithSubIndexes([]string{"kb_1", "kb_2"}),
// Set embedding component
Callback Usage Example
Code location: eino-ext/components/indexer/volc_vikingdb/examples/builtin_embedding
import (
callbacksHelper "github.com/cloudwego/eino/utils/callbacks"
handler := &callbacksHelper.IndexerCallbackHandler{
OnStart: func(ctx context.Context, info *callbacks.RunInfo, input *indexer.CallbackInput) context.Context {
log.Printf("input access, len: %v, content: %s\n", len(input.Docs), input.Docs[0].Content)
return ctx
OnEnd: func(ctx context.Context, info *callbacks.RunInfo, output *indexer.CallbackOutput) context.Context {
log.Printf("output finished, len: %v, ids=%v\n", len(output.IDs), output.IDs)
return ctx
// OnError
// Using callback handler
helper := callbacksHelper.NewHandlerHelper().
chain := compose.NewChain[[]*schema.Document, []string]()
// At runtime
run, _ := chain.Compile(ctx)
outIDs, _ := run.Invoke(ctx, docs, compose.WithCallbacks(helper))
fmt.Printf("vikingDB store success, docs=%v, resp ids=%v\n", docs, outIDs)
Existing Implementation
- Volc VikingDB Indexer: Vector database indexer based on Volcano Engine VikingDB Indexer - volc VikingDB
Custom Implementation Reference
When implementing a custom Indexer component, please pay attention to the following points:
- Proper handling of common options and component-specific options
- Proper handling of callbacks
Option Mechanism
Custom Indexers can implement their own Options as needed:
// Define Option struct
type MyIndexerOptions struct {
BatchSize int
MaxRetries int
// Define Option function
func WithBatchSize(size int) indexer.Option {
return indexer.WrapIndexerImplSpecificOptFn(func(o *MyIndexerOptions) {
o.BatchSize = size
Callback Handling
The Indexer implementation needs to trigger callbacks at appropriate times. The framework has already defined standard callback input and output structs:
// CallbackInput is the input for the indexer callback
type CallbackInput struct {
// Docs is the list of documents to be indexed
Docs []*schema.Document
// Extra is the additional information for the callback
Extra map[string]any
// CallbackOutput is the output for the indexer callback
type CallbackOutput struct {
// IDs is the list of document IDs returned by the indexer
IDs []string
// Extra is the additional information for the callback
Extra map[string]any
Complete Implementation Example
type MyIndexer struct {
batchSize int
embedder embedding.Embedder
func NewMyIndexer(config *MyIndexerConfig) (*MyIndexer, error) {
return &MyIndexer{
batchSize: config.DefaultBatchSize,
embedder: config.DefaultEmbedder,
}, nil
func (i *MyIndexer) Store(ctx context.Context, docs []*schema.Document, opts ...indexer.Option) ([]string, error) {
// 1. Handle options
options := &indexer.Options{}
options = indexer.GetCommonOptions(options, opts...)
// 2. Get callback manager
cm := callbacks.ManagerFromContext(ctx)
// 3. Callback before starting storage
ctx = cm.OnStart(ctx, info, &indexer.CallbackInput{
Docs: docs,
// 4. Execute storage logic
ids, err := i.doStore(ctx, docs, options)
// 5. Handle errors and complete the callback
if (err != nil) {
ctx = cm.OnError(ctx, info, err)
return nil, err
ctx = cm.OnEnd(ctx, info, &indexer.CallbackOutput{
IDs: ids,
return ids, nil
func (i *MyIndexer) doStore(ctx context.Context, docs []*schema.Document, opts *indexer.Options) ([]string, error) {
// Implement document storage logic (make sure to handle common option parameters)
// 1. If an Embedding component is set, generate vector representations for the documents
if opts.Embedding != nil {
// Extract document content
texts := make([]string, len(docs))
for j, doc := range docs {
texts[j] = doc.Content
// Generate vectors
vectors, err := opts.Embedding.EmbedStrings(ctx, texts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Store vectors in the documents' Metadata
for j, doc := range docs {
// 2. Additional custom logic
return ids, nil