Eino: Embedding guide

Basic Introduction

The Embedding component is used to convert text into vector representations. Its main function is to map text content into a high-dimensional vector space, so that semantically similar texts are closer in the vector space. This component plays an important role in the following scenarios:

  • Text similarity calculation
  • Semantic search
  • Text clustering analysis

Component Definition

Interface Definition

type Embedder interface {
    EmbedStrings(ctx context.Context, texts []string, opts ...Option) ([][]float64, error)

EmbedStrings Method

  • Function: Convert a set of texts into vector representations
  • Parameters:
    • ctx: Context object, used to pass request-level information, and also for passing Callback Manager
    • texts: List of texts to be converted
    • opts: Conversion options, used to configure the conversion behavior
  • Return values:
    • [][]float64: List of vector representations corresponding to the texts, the dimension of each vector is determined by the specific implementation
    • error: Error information during the conversion process

Common Option

The Embedding component uses EmbeddingOption to define optional parameters. Below are the abstract common options. Each specific implementation can define its specific options, which can be wrapped into a unified EmbeddingOption type through the WrapEmbeddingImplSpecificOptFn function.

type Options struct {
    // Model is the name of the model used to generate vectors
    Model *string

Options can be set as follows:

// Set model name
WithModel(model string) Option


Standalone Usage

Code location: eino-ext/components/embedding/openai/examples/embedding

import "github.com/cloudwego/eino-ext/components/embedding/openai"

embedder, _ := openai.NewEmbedder(ctx, &openai.EmbeddingConfig{
    APIKey:     accessKey,
    Model:      "text-embedding-3-large",
    Dimensions: &defaultDim,
    Timeout:    0,

vectorIDs, _ := embedder.EmbedStrings(ctx, []string{"hello", "how are you"})

Usage in Orchestration

Code location: eino-ext/components/embedding/openai/examples/embedding

// Use in Chain
chain := compose.NewChain[[]string, [][]float64]()

// Use in Graph
graph := compose.NewGraph[[]string, [][]float64]()
graph.AddEmbeddingNode("embedding_node", embedder)

Option and Callback Usage

Option Usage Example

// Use options (example for standalone usage)
vectors, err := embedder.EmbedStrings(ctx, texts,

Callback Usage Example

Code location: eino-ext/components/embedding/openai/examples/embedding

import (
    callbacksHelper "github.com/cloudwego/eino/utils/callbacks"

handler := &callbacksHelper.EmbeddingCallbackHandler{
    OnStart: func(ctx context.Context, runInfo *callbacks.RunInfo, input *embedding.CallbackInput) context.Context {
       log.Printf("input access, len: %v, content: %s\n", len(input.Texts), input.Texts)
       return ctx
    OnEnd: func(ctx context.Context, runInfo *callbacks.RunInfo, output *embedding.CallbackOutput) context.Context {
       log.Printf("output finished, len: %v\n", len(output.Embeddings))
       return ctx

callbackHandler := callbacksHelper.NewHandlerHelper().Embedding(handler).Handler()

chain := compose.NewChain[[]string, [][]float64]()

// Compile and run
runnable, _ := chain.Compile(ctx)
vectors, _ = runnable.Invoke(ctx, []string{"hello", "how are you"},

log.Printf("vectors in chain: %v", vectors)

Existing Implementations

  1. OpenAI Embedding: Generate vectors using OpenAI’s text embedding model Embedding - OpenAI
  2. ARK Embedding: Generate vectors using the ARK platform’s model Embedding - ARK

Custom Implementation Reference

When implementing a custom Embedding component, the following points need to be noted:

  1. Pay attention to handling common options
  2. Implement the callback mechanism properly

Option Mechanism

Custom Embedding needs to implement its own Option mechanism:

// Define the Option struct
type MyEmbeddingOptions struct {
    BatchSize int
    MaxRetries int
    Timeout time.Duration

// Define the Option function
func WithBatchSize(size int) embedding.Option {
    return embedding.WrapEmbeddingImplSpecificOptFn(func(o *MyEmbeddingOptions) {
        o.BatchSize = size

Callback Handling

The Embedder implementation needs to trigger callbacks at appropriate times. The framework has defined standard callback input and output structs:

// CallbackInput is the input for the embedding callback
type CallbackInput struct {
    // Texts are the list of texts to be converted
    Texts []string
    // Config is the configuration information for generating vectors
    Config *Config
    // Extra is additional information for the callback
    Extra map[string]any

// CallbackOutput is the output for the embedding callback
type CallbackOutput struct {
    // Embeddings are the list of generated vectors
    Embeddings [][]float64
    // Config is the configuration information for generating vectors
    Config *Config
    // TokenUsage is the token usage information
    TokenUsage *TokenUsage
    // Extra is additional information for the callback
    Extra map[string]any

// TokenUsage is the token usage information
type TokenUsage struct {
    // PromptTokens is the number of tokens in the prompt
    PromptTokens int
    // CompletionTokens is the number of tokens in the completion
    CompletionTokens int
    // TotalTokens is the total number of tokens
    TotalTokens int

Complete Implementation Example

type MyEmbedder struct {
    model string
    batchSize int

func NewMyEmbedder(config *MyEmbedderConfig) (*MyEmbedder, error) {
    return &MyEmbedder{
        model: config.DefaultModel,
        batchSize: config.DefaultBatchSize,
    }, nil

func (e *MyEmbedder) EmbedStrings(ctx context.Context, texts []string, opts ...embedding.Option) ([][]float64, error) {
    // 1. Handle the options
    options := &MyEmbeddingOptions{
        Options: &embedding.Options{},
        BatchSize: e.batchSize,
    options.Options = embedding.GetCommonOptions(options.Options, opts...)
    options = embedding.GetImplSpecificOptions(options.Options, opts...)
    // 2. Get the callback manager
    cm := callbacks.ManagerFromContext(ctx)
    // 3. Trigger the pre-generation callback
    ctx = cm.OnStart(ctx, info, &embedding.CallbackInput{
        Texts: texts,
        Config: &embedding.Config{
            Model: e.model,
    // 4. Execute the vector generation logic
    vectors, tokenUsage, err := e.doEmbed(ctx, texts, options)
    // 5. Handle errors and trigger the completion callback
    if err != nil {
        ctx = cm.OnError(ctx, info, err)
        return nil, err
    ctx = cm.OnEnd(ctx, info, &embedding.CallbackOutput{
        Embeddings: vectors,
        Config: &embedding.Config{
            Model: e.model,
        TokenUsage: tokenUsage,
    return vectors, nil

func (e *MyEmbedder) doEmbed(ctx context.Context, texts []string, opts *MyEmbeddingOptions) ([][]float64, *TokenUsage, error) {
    // Implementation logic
    return vectors, tokenUsage, nil

Other Reference Documents

Last modified February 21, 2025 : doc: add eino english docs (#1255) (4f6a3bd)