Eino: Document Loader guide

Basic Introduction

Document Loader is a component used for loading documents. Its primary function is to load document content from different sources (such as web URLs, local files, etc.) and convert it into a standard document format. This component plays an important role in scenarios where document content needs to be sourced from various origins, such as:

  • Loading web page content from a web URL
  • Reading local documents in formats such as PDF, Word, etc.

Component Definition

Interface Definition

Code Location: eino/components/document/parser/interface.go

type Loader interface {
    Load(ctx context.Context, src Source, opts ...LoaderOption) ([]*schema.Document, error)

Load Method

  • Function: Loads documents from a specified data source
  • Parameters:
    • ctx: Context object used to pass request-level information, and to pass the Callback Manager as well
    • src: Document source containing the URI information of the document
    • opts: Load options used to configure loading behavior
  • Returns:
    • []*schema.Document: List of loaded documents
    • error: Error information during the loading process

Source Struct

type Source struct {
    URI string

The Source struct defines the source information of a document:

  • URI: The Uniform Resource Identifier of the document, which can be a web URL or a local file path

Document Struct

type Document struct {
    // ID is the unique identifier of the document
    ID string
    // Content is the content of the document
    Content string
    // MetaData is used to store metadata information of the document
    MetaData map[string]any

The Document struct is the standard format of a document, containing the following important fields:

  • ID: The unique identifier of the document, used to uniquely identify a document in the system
  • Content: The actual content of the document
  • MetaData: The metadata of the document, which can store the following information:
    • Source information of the document
    • Vector representation of the document (used for vector retrieval)
    • Score of the document (used for sorting)
    • Sub-index of the document (used for hierarchical retrieval)
    • Other custom metadata

Common Options

The Loader component uses LoaderOption to define loading options. Currently, Loader does not have common Options; each specific implementation can define its own specific options, which are wrapped into a unified LoaderOption type through the WrapLoaderImplSpecificOptFn function.


Standalone Use

Code Location: eino-ext/components/document/loader/file/examples/fileloader

import (

// Initialize loader (take file loader as an example)
loader, _ := file.NewFileLoader(ctx, &file.FileLoaderConfig{
    // Configuration parameters
    UseNameAsID: true,

// Load document
filePath := "../../testdata/test.md"
docs, _ := loader.Load(ctx, document.Source{
    URI: filePath,

log.Printf("doc content: %v", docs[0].Content)

Use in Orchestration

// Use in Chain
chain := compose.NewChain[string, []*schema.Document]()

// Compile and run
runnable, _ := chain.Compile()

result, _ := runnable.Invoke(ctx, input)

// Use in Graph
graph := compose.NewGraph[string, []*schema.Document]()
graph.AddLoaderNode("loader_node", loader)

Option and Callback Usage

Callback Usage Example

Code location: eino-ext/components/document/loader/file/examples/fileloader

import (
    callbacksHelper "github.com/cloudwego/eino/utils/callbacks"


// Create callback handler
handler := &callbacksHelper.LoaderCallbackHandler{
    OnStart: func(ctx context.Context, info *callbacks.RunInfo, input *document.LoaderCallbackInput) context.Context {
       log.Printf("start loading docs...: %s\n", input.Source.URI)
       return ctx
    OnEnd: func(ctx context.Context, info *callbacks.RunInfo, output *document.LoaderCallbackOutput) context.Context {
       log.Printf("complete loading docs,total loaded docs: %d\n", len(output.Docs))
       return ctx
    // OnError

// Use callback handler
helper := callbacksHelper.NewHandlerHelper().

chain := compose.NewChain[document.Source, []*schema.Document]()
// Use at runtime
run, _ := chain.Compile(ctx)

outDocs, _ := run.Invoke(ctx, document.Source{
    URI: filePath,
}, compose.WithCallbacks(helper))

log.Printf("doc content: %v", outDocs[0].Content)

Existing Implementations

  1. File Loader: Used to load documents from the local file system Loader - local file
  2. Web Loader: Used to load documents pointed by web URLs Loader - web url
  3. S3 Loader: Used to load documents stored in S3 compatible storage systems Loader - amazon s3

Reference for Self-Implementation

When self-implementing a loader component, attention must be paid to the option mechanism and callback handling.

Option Mechanism

Custom Loaders need to implement their own Option parameter mechanism:

// Define the options struct
type MyLoaderOptions struct {
    Timeout time.Duration
    RetryCount int

// Define option functions
func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) document.LoaderOption {
    return document.WrapLoaderImplSpecificOptFn(func(o *MyLoaderOptions) {
        o.Timeout = timeout

func WithRetryCount(count int) document.LoaderOption {
    return document.WrapLoaderImplSpecificOptFn(func(o *MyLoaderOptions) {
        o.RetryCount = count

Callback Handling

Loader implementations need to trigger callbacks at appropriate times:

Code Location: eino/components/document/callback_extra_loader.go

// These are the callback input and output defined by the loader component. Implementations should satisfy the parameter meanings.
type LoaderCallbackInput struct {
    Source Source
    Extra map[string]any

type LoaderCallbackOutput struct {
    Source Source
    Docs []*schema.Document
    Extra map[string]any

Complete Implementation Example

import (

func NewCustomLoader(config *Config) (*CustomLoader, error) {
    return & CustomLoader {
       timeout: config.DefaultTimeout,
       retryCount: config.DefaultRetryCount,
    }, nil

type CustomLoader struct {
    timeout time.Duration
    retryCount int

type Config struct {
    DefaultTimeout time.Duration
    DefaultRetryCount int

func (l *CustomLoader) Load(ctx context.Context, src document.Source, opts ...document.LoaderOption) ([]*schema.Document, error) {
    // 1. Handle options
    options := &customLoaderOptions{
       Timeout: l.timeout,
       RetryCount: l.retryCount,
    options = document.GetLoaderImplSpecificOptions(options, opts...)
    var err error

    // 2. Handle errors and trigger error callbacks
    defer func() {
       if err != nil {
          callbacks.OnError(ctx, err)

    // 3. Trigger pre-load callback
    ctx = callbacks.OnStart(ctx, &document.LoaderCallbackInput{
       Source: src,

    // 4. Execute load logic
    docs, err := l.doLoad(ctx, src, options)

    if err != nil {
       return nil, err

    ctx = callbacks.OnEnd(ctx, &document.LoaderCallbackOutput{
       Source: src,
       Docs:   docs,

    return docs, nil

func (l *CustomLoader) doLoad(ctx context.Context, src document.Source, opts *customLoaderOptions) ([]*schema.Document, error) {
    // Implement document load logic
    // 1. Load document content
    // 2. Construct Document objects, ensuring to save important information such as document source in MetaData
    return []*schema.Document{{
       Content: "Hello World",
    }}, nil


  • MetaData is an important part of the document, used to save various metadata of the document
  • Return meaningful error information when document loading fails to facilitate error troubleshooting

Other Reference Documents

Last modified March 28, 2025 : docs: eino graph update (#1293) (aea58cb)